Package-level declarations


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data class ChatBoost(val boostId: String, val addDate: Long, val expirationDate: Long, val source: ChatBoostSource)

This object contains information about a chat boost.

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data class ChatBoostAdded(val boostCount: Int)

This object represents a service message about a user boosting a chat.

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data class ChatBoostRemoved(val chat: Chat, val boostId: String, val removeDate: Instant, val source: ChatBoostSource)

This object represents a boost removed from a chat.

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sealed class ChatBoostSource
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data class ChatBoostUpdated(val chat: Chat, val boost: ChatBoost)

This object represents a boost added to a chat or changed.

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data class UserChatBoosts(val boosts: List<ChatBoost>)

This object represents a list of boosts added to a chat by a user.